Tuesday night I was lucky enough to be in an awesome place at an awesome time.

The scene: intersection of SE 37th and Hawthorne, PDX.

Two blocks from the intersection we could hear cheers and chants. When we got closer, we saw that crowd. People, so many people, lining the street, on each of the four corners of the intersection, clapping, smiling, cheering, chanting, banging pots or garbage cans, smiling, laughing...

...and when the cross-walk signal changed from that fierce red hand to the cool blue walker, the happy spilled off the sidewalks and into the street. Smiling, cheering, laughing, skipping, dancing, giving hi-fives and hugs.... who knew crossing the street could be such an elated event?

Then the hand started blinking, and positions were resumed on the sidewalks and street corners. Enter the vehicle traffic, rolling by with flags held high, windows down, slowing to reach out and hi-five those standing on the curb, cheering, laughing, clapping...

I watched this little cycle for quite some time last night. I even participated for a few rounds. But mostly, I watched. I stood there and I took in what I was seeing. A celebration of hope, of a renewed sense that what we say and do does make a difference. That the months of hard work, talking to people, educating them, making sure they are informed on the issues at hand, were not in vain.

I took it all in, and I was happy, knowing that not only did I play a part in this, but that so many people managed to come together, from different places, different lifestyles, different ideals, and join their collective efforts to make a difference.

I watched history take place last night. I'm glad to know I was a part of it. I'm glad to know that I made a difference.

Here's hoping...


History Observed


Friday 07 November 2008 at 07:54 am

One comment

Honestly, what a relief. I don't think I've ever been so enthusiastic about a political figure in my life - and this guy actually won! He'd no saint, but his perspective alone should make a big difference in the decision making among the old crackers of DC. Now we just need to keep a close watch and hold the new administration to their words.
Friday 07 November 2008 at 07:54 am


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