Did I mention that I survived my 21 mile benchmark run last Saturday? Granted, I wanted to die afterwards; I've never felt pain like that in my knees before ever in my life. But I'm almost able to walk like a normal person now, and I did the run in less than 4 hours (3:44:52, to be exact). Now all I have to day is stay on top of my training for (less than!) three weeks, and the big marathon day will be here. October 5th. 7am. I'm pretty excited, both for the actual run, and for the run to be over.
Also, I'm ready for FY08 to be over. Downside to my job: end of the fiscal year means ridiculous amounts of work for a number cruncher like myself. I've been getting to work at 6:30 this week, and while I sort of enjoy having the building (namely my office) to myself, it certainly is making for looooong days. I've been going to bed between 8:30 and 9pm. Such an old lady am I....