It's an old trick I use to make the workday go by more quickly-- I pile the load on. I offer to help people, I run errands during lunch, I keep the momentum up at all times. Before you know it, it'll be 5:10 and the office is empty. Well, the same theory applied to outside of work, as well. My days are a blur. Really, they are.

Work has been silly busy. I'm on a four person team doing some elite-quickstrike project work so that everything will magically align just before the holiday season. The schedule is overly aggressive and the functionality isn't exactly trivial, which is about right on par with how we usually roll. It's been forcing me to up my game. Constantly challenging. I work with feverish intensity and have since been rewarded handsomely. Living the dream type thing.

Speaking of work, I have this coworker that keeps loaning me stuff. A month or two ago, I had a three-day weekend with no plans, so I purchased a PS2 and the game Shadow of the Colossus, as I've been meaning to do ever since I lived at lazerbeams. It's takes place in the same universe as the game ICO, which I played the shit out of back in the day. Anyway, one day, I mention the PS2 to this coworker. A few days later, he brings me a HUGE tupperware box of games. The best part? This wasn't the first time he has done this. He one lent me a big paper bag full of GAMECUBE games. The other best part? There are a lot of really rad games. What a good guy.


A fortnight ago, Red Bull held their annual uber-marketing event, Flugtag, at our very own Portland waterfront. Ms. Kim was out of town, and I didn't have anything to do, so I tried to check it out. I should have known that it was going to be a shitstorm -- traffic was backed up all the way to the Zoo. After 45 minutes and 6 miles later, I finally find a parking spot. One hitch -- it's like 2 miles away from the event. I hoof it down only to find a fucking zoo of people. It was way too packed for me. I couldn't see shit. I stuck around for roughly 15 minutes and decided to bail. Fuck that. I've got a big goddamn box of video games.

As I'm pissed, and walking back to my car, I decide to take a quick detour into a small boutique that usually has some pretty fresh shit. I won't mention the name, just because the guys there are always big dicks. Awesome wares, shitty, shitty, shitty customer service.

Anyway, ever since I started amassing shoes, I have been on the lookout for my personal holy grail of shoes -- the 1987 Air Safari. Terribly rare in the original form, you'd be hard pressed (and have to drop some serious cash) to get an pair. Even reissues fetch a hefty price on e-bay. A while back there were some reptile green reissues that dropped, but despite my connections, I still couldn't pick a pair up. Long story short, after an awfully disappointing day of advertising-intake, I walk into this store and walk directly to the clearance table, where I see a pair of these Safaris. I pick them up, holding my breath, to check the size -- sure enough, 9.5. I quickly throw my card at the cashier and get the fuck out. A suitable ending, eh? I want to be buried in these shoes.

Beyond that, my free time hasn't really been so free -- I've always kept my personal time fairly well-booked in terms of hobbies and interests and sword sharpening and activities and video games, but it seems that I've been overextended lately. The biggest thing, well, I don't want to jinx or spill the beans, but within the next week, rad things are happening. I am holding my breath until I know that everything is 100%. As soon as that happens, I'll let you know. INSERT ANIMATED SMILEY FACE EMOTICON HERE.

That's all I've got for the time being. More later.

Passing time.


Sunday 17 August 2008 at 8:28 pm

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Party hardy.
Sunday 17 August 2008 at 8:28 pm


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