I was reading a movie blog here at work and they mentioned that John Carpenter is making a prison movie called SCARED STRAIGHT with Nic Cage. Then they posted the following clip from that video to keep kids from doing bad things called SCARED STRAIGHT. This led me to the idea of casting a SCARED STRAIGHT Van Sant-style shot for shot re-make of the following video.

Without further ado, here is who I would have play each part in the video (In order of appearance):

Blond Scared Kid - Ryan Phillipe (cuz hes a bitch just like that kid)
Scraggly Con with Red/White Jacket - Joe Pesci with a wig and mustache and tall boots
Angry Afro Con (Black Shorts w/ White Stripes over pants) - Mark Wahlberg or Brian Atene
Smiley Kid - Jim Breuer
Chubby Bad Girl - Jennifer Tilly
Foxy Red Haired Girl - Jessica Alba with Red Hair
Scared Brunette Chick - Ally Sheedy
First Con to tell his sentence: Big Boi from Outkast
"Fly Fisherman" Con (2nd one to tell): Brian Posehn
Third Con to tell: KRS One
4th con to tell and The third con to yell at the kids (aka The Guy that says "You'z" a lot): The blog I was reading nailed it by saying Mark Borchardt from American Movie should play him.
5th Con to tell and last to yell: Ol Dirty Bastard
Scared Black Kid: Don Cheadle
Kid that Reads the Heading: Harmony Korine or Ralph Machio
The kid that doesnt want to punch and then becomes everyones bitch: That kid from Almost Famous

Any other ideas for casting? Lets hear em!

Scared Straight


Friday 01 August 2008 at 5:11 pm

One comment

that's what's gonna happen to you if you download songs illegally off tha internet BITCH
Friday 01 August 2008 at 5:11 pm


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