So Im still in Los Angeles. I work at a visual effects house. I have an interview at a Trailer house on tues. I go to work. I come home. I sit in my room working on my computer. I sleep. Repeat.
I currently correspond through myspace, facebook, MTC, email, text message, and now phonecall, with a young lass from Australia. I have found that this is far more fulfilling and enjoyable than speaking to the women of Los Angeles in person. Awful human beings.
The new Earth album is out. Its so fucking great. I love them. Its called THE BEES MADE HONEY IN THE LIONS SKULL. You people dont know what you are missing. As usual, the album art is fantastic.
I have recently acquired quite a few Nick Cave related things that make me all excited and shit. The above mentioned Aussie Lass sent me Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' MURDER BALLADS for my birthday (along with David Bowie's HEROES, which is funky as fuck). What a great album. My favorite tune is O'MALLY'S BAR which is 14 minutes long and a kind of rambling drunken lounge-y groove (it reminds me of the Van Morrison song "TB SHEETS" in a way). I also bought a DVD of the totally dude-radical Australian Quasi-surrealistic Western THE PROPOSITION. This movie was written by Nick Cave and he did the score. I highly recommend this fresh take on the western. To round out my Nick Cave celebration, I picked myself up a copy of his novel "And the Ass Saw an Angel". The summery of the story is written as song lyrics on the back. It looks to be pretty rad.
Here are other recent acquisitions: Twin Peaks Gold Box Set, The Alien Quadrilogy Box set, Errol Morris's First Person - The Complete Series (Outstanding), Kaada/Patton Live DVD (Outstanding), Boris and Merzbow's live album entitled ROCK DREAM (kinda disappointing), and I pre-ordered A PERFECT PLACE, which is a short film that Mike Patton did the music for. His label, Ipecac Recordings, is putting out a package that includes both the film and the soundtrack. The songs I have heard excite me very much. My Patton boner is huge right now.
Last but not least, I purchased RESIDENT EVIL 4 for my Wii. Im not letting myself open it until I finish this project Im editing that is taking for fucking ever to finish. I cant wait to get it out of my life.
Besides all that, I try to stay busy through various projects I work on when I feel like it.
A Web Series entitled "Crossbows and Mustaches" is now online and can be viewed on the myspace for the series. I did sound for them and even played a gorilla in an episode. Everyone involved are swell guys and I even watched the Superbowl with all of them. The dude that plays Steve Wolf in the series is in New York as I write this taping a stand-up set for comedy central so keep an eye or ear out for an Adam Devine on TV.
I recommend checking out a film called VENGEANCE IS MINE. Its an old japanese film, but its pretty fucking rad.

Ps. I miss everyone very much.