I moved again. Jesus, I feel like I'm always moving. Gross. Seven months in the little "dorm room" of a studio I called mine is now done. I will be living in a house with four other people (dear God, FOUR people? Will I be able to handle it??) in SE. It's actually pretty nice. Or, it will be nice, once the owner finished all the work she's doing. We get to start residing in it Nov 1st. Until then, I am living with my friend Selena. She just moved into the swanky Civic in SW, and hasn't furnished it yet, so there's p-l-e-n-t-y of room for my stuff. But not all of it. So some is at Michelle's, some is at Laura's, some is at Erin's, and the everyday necessaries are at Selena's with me. Seriously, I feel like a fucking hobo. My shit is in plastic trash bags and everything. Classy as fuck.

Life shifted again, this time in perfect timing with the weather shifting. My wonderful, fun, exciting, relaxing, comfortable, happy relationship came to a screeching halt. His official reason was "it's too complicated" and he "just couldn't deal with it."

Background: He and I have been very very close friends for six years now, know everything about each other, support each other through the hardest times. He also happens to be friends with/play in the band with/live with the EX. Keep in mind that He and I have a history that extends waaaay before I even knew who the EX was. However, as the EX is prone to do, he has pretty much made life hell for Him since we started seeing each other, pouting around the house, making things uncomfortable, and it has started to affect the band, as well. So His decision to end us is in direct correlation to the fact that the EX can't be an adult and get over it. The EX cheated on me, he broke up with me, he has a girlfriend now who he is crazy about... I don't see why the decision for Us to start up a relationship is so out of the question. But apparently I "just don't get it."

Also, I have lost all interest in remaining friends with the EX. Turns out he's not the person I used to love, and I don't have any interest in maintaining a relationship with someone like that.

I get to go to Maryland for a long weekend at the end of Oct. I'm visiting my friend Caine aka: my other half. I cannot wait. To get even a small glimpse of New England in the fall should be enough of a fix for the rest of the winter. I'm pretty much thrilled about this.


I am a HOBO


Thursday 04 October 2007 at 10:51 am

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