I finished my movie.
I graduated from Los Angeles Film School.
I moved into a new place.
I started my new job.

My film, entitled KINSKI, ended up being 13 minutes and 20 seconds long. It features an absolutely fantastic score by David Scott Stone or Sir Dss as he is often called. It was received surprisingly well considering it is a surrealistic mood piece with score consisting of NOISE MUSIC.
Im done with Los Angeles Film School. The ITT Tech of film schools. Except with40 thousand dollar tuition for one year.
My new pad rocks. It is a four bedroom house in hollywood. It has a giant lighthouse in the backyard, that we use as storage. There is a crazy lady that lives in a shack in our backyard. She has extremely long fingernails (we're talking Guiness Book length) and she drinks 40's of King Cobra, which she cannot open because of her fingernails, so I have had to open it for her on a few occasions. Get this: Her name is OLGA.
As I type this there is a police helicopter circling my house (and has been for about 20 min.) with its light shining next door. I just went and locked everything. There's always something exciting goin on.
I am working a mundane logging/databasing job at Deluxe, a place that does different things involving film negatives and such. I get paid 15 bucks an hour and I listen to audiobooks all day. Its not that bad for now. If you watch a movies credits all the way to the end when all the little logos come scrolling up, you see Deluxe on there.

Here are things I've been enjoying lately:
Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity (AudioBook)
by David Lynch Read by David Lynch
If you possess any creativity whatsoever, this is for you. The most inspiring thing about listening to Lynch read it is that you get the feeling that he just might be one of the most friendliest guys on the face of the planet.
The Dream's Dream by Television
from the album entitled Adventure
This song gives me a feeling. I'm not sure what kinda feeling. I know I love it though.
Angel Dust (on cassette tape) by Faith No More
in my car's stereo
Filled with variety. Solid through out. Classic.
Beavis and Butthead
full episodes on iFilm
After having not watched this show since I did nothing but watch it in middle school, I now see that this show is probably the most influential thing in the shaping of my personality. Im not afraid to admit it.
Dos Equis
6 Packs
This is actually something I discovered a few months ago. For "cheap" beer, this shit is the shit.
"The Humanzee"
Just look him up on youtube and watch the six part documentary on him.

Here are some things I'd like:
"Midnight Cowboy" OST (on vinyl)
So I can chill out on my porch when I get off work. Throw this on, open a beer, snag a smoke, and enjoy the breeze.
The Ten (movie)
by the guys behind the State, Wet Hot American Summer, Stella, and Reno 911
Plus it has Jessica Alba, which is never bad.
!st season on DVD
I never thought there would be a show I could identify with so much.
A Music Friend
You know, someone I can nerd out about music with or at the very least someone who wouldn't mind accompanying me to concerts I want to go to.

I miss Portland
I worked with this guy on a shoot. Doesn't he look like Eli's lost brother or something. He even makes some of the same facial gestures and holds and plays a guitar very similarly. He's got a very similar personality as well. It was creppy being around him for a couple days.