Last night was nothing thrilling, though it wasn't a disappointment. Erin, Jeffrey and I, along with a handful of others, went to the Timber's game. We watched, Erin and I got a little rowdy, then we went for some drinks afterwards. Minimal drama, a few good laughs... sort of an odd night, as it was an odd collection of friends in an odd location.
That has nothing to do with anything, by the way.
Today is my last day doing the full-time Army gig. I've decided I'm sort of spent with wearing the uniform every single day. I figure I lasted about a year doing this, it's been a great experience, I've definitely learned a lot and had the pleasure of working with some pretty great people. But Laurie/SGT Arterburn took a new position in a different dept a few weeks ago, and Chief is looking to probably head out to DC to work for Nat'l Guard Bureau (<--it just took me three attempts to spell 'bureau.' Hope I did it correctly...). The whole atmosphere of the office is changing. Chief Willis, the PBO who was over in Afghanistan, is now back and has officially taken over the office, along with SSG Raymond. Both really great guys, but... well, this job has stopped feeling like a regular job and has started to feel like what everyone assumes a military job would be like. I'm not a fan.
Instead of the uniform I will be wearing whatever I damn well please to work everyday. Well, within reason. Business casual. But to compensate for the last year I've spent in a uniform, I'm sure I'm going to be going a little beyond what they expect of me and wearing skirts and heels everyday. The 'Oh, shiney!' might wear off after a couple weeks... My old supply sgts wife is the office manager of a dental office out in Cornelius. She called and asked me if I would be interested in coming and working for her as their receptionist. I'm not striving to be a career secretary, but this position is bilingual specific. An opportunity to actually put one of my degrees to use? Weird....
So I said yes, told my boss here that I would be leaving end of July, told her I'd start beginning of August, and starting Monday I'll be commuting out on Hwy 26 (the bane of my existence) on a daily basis. Ugh. The downside to all this (aside from 26) is that I'm taking a major paycut. That's one thing I'll say about the military, they pay nicely. In an effort to make up for this paycut, I'll also be going back to Gap. Ugh, retail (the other bane of my existence). Back to working 15 hour days and sometimes six days a week. I give it a couple months before I'm really hurting for my regular schedule, Army uniform job.
But really, these orders were going to run out at the end of Sept, so I would have been looking for a job in about a month anyway. And if I hadn't found one, it would have been back to Medford with me. Not gonna lie, I cried at the thought of having to go back there. So I'll just keep reminding myself that I'm doing what I have to do in order to stay where I am, and I'll try to focus on the fact that I can actually choose what I want to wear in the mornings.
In other news: wait, that's the only news right now. My life is work and sometimes play. Pretty uneventful....