Our Coachella started with the Comedians of Comedy who truly seemed very happy to be there. Zach Galifenakis, Brian Posehn, and Patto Oswalt lit that shit up. During Brians routine, I reached to my back to scratch an itch and accidently cup a short girls breast. I look behind me horrified and say " OH MY GOD. I AM SO SORRY." She said it was okay, but her boyfriends looks said otherwise. Sometime during the show, I lose my voice whicxh would make my chance to score some poon over the weekend very slim. I am sad.
Next was Of Montreal. Now I didn't care for any of their music untill I heard their new album. Despite it being very "hipster-ish" I found certain aspects of it very interesting. But seeing them live killed it. As wispy said and I agree, "They were the most unnecessarily gay band I've ever seen." I dont think I can listen to them anymore. Its like the singer hhas watched Hedwig and the Angry Itch too many times. I think my roommates who I just got done living with (who were a gay couple) would call these guys fags.
Next up was food, as there were not a band we wanted to watch during this timeslot. Me and wispy ate below satisfactory excuses for nachos that we paid 8 bucks for. Stephen Marley came on quite late during this timeslot which will come into play later.
I wanted to check out Peaches for a few minutes before Jesus and Mary Chain but Stephen Marley was still playing at the outdoor stage. So we head straight to the main stage to get good spots for Jesus and Mary Chain. They come on and rock it hard. Great show, and mother fuckin SCARLETT JOHANSSON comes out of nowhere and sings back-up on a song. We leave to catch PEEPING TOM.
PEEPING TOM YES PEEPING TOM. Danny Devito introduced them and they started with a bitchin ass bitchin cover of Desperate Situation by Marvin Gaye (Look it up on youtube if you don't believe me). Great set. Female beatboxer BUTTERSCOTCH was a fox as is Amani Coppola who does the female vocals for the band. Patton seemed like he was wasted and having a silly time, although it only made his performance that much better. Some of Dan the Automators equipment didn't work but he was great anyway. He was giving wine out to band members the whole show. YES YES YES. HOW THE FUCK DID THIS BAND GET INVITED TO OPEN FOR THE WHO?
Next up was an attempt to see Sonic Youth on the Outdoor Stage but things were running so far behind because of that stoner sad excuse for Bob Marley's son that we waited for a half an hour and then headed over to the main stage to get good spots for Bjork. Sonic Youth finally starts playing as we are between stages.
We get to the main stage and Bjork starts playing. After 3 songs the guys that me and Wisp came with (and got rides from) say that they are going in two songs. I'm devestated as she was the only headliner I cared to see. We walk away as she sings "Joga" and I want to cry. We get to the car with the expectations of "Beating the traffic" only to find that the parking lot is gridlocked with NO COACHELLA PERSONEL DIRECTING TRAFFIC. Afteer sitting in the same spot for close to an hour4 I decide to go fuck shit up and talk to whoever is in charge. I talk to someone, they don't beleove me, I tell them I'm not leaving until they come look at what I'm talking about. We both hop in a golf cart and go down there. 100 angry people get out of their cars and swarm the poor woman. I made my point. As Bjork is playing her final song (yeah they made me leave AN HOUR AND 15 MINUTES EARLY), I want to kill myself. My throat hurts from trying to knock some sense into the coachella parking division. BULLSHIT
We get home, angry and tired.
Of Montreal blows chunks, I seem to hear them in Portland ALL THE TIME!
You should look up a rocker that is AWESOMELY gay,the one and only Bobby Conn.