I hate ripping from such a weak site, but srsly? rly?
My New Year's resolution is 2/3 broken. Already. But hey, at least they are *semi* regular these days. ...right?
I've been pretty busy the past week or so. Ms. Kim came again to visit and it was superb. Is it possible for us to not have a great time, even in the shittiest of circumstances? Researchers tell me that trends point to yes.
Beyond that, lots of work and a little amount of play. I met up with Corey for a battle of the wii tennis titans. I kind of destroyed him, but damn if two player isn't the raddest thing ever. I just picked up Wii Play today as well, so now I have two controllers of my own. Rad.
But speaking of work, get this: the other day, my manager comes by with a bag for our team handed down from the management gods above. Due to my not-so-rad past experiences with 'gifts from the management,' I figured would probably be some shit, like a jar of shitty, cheap candy or an ill-fitting baseball hat. Turns out it's a 2g Nano. It's even engraved with my name and a 'thanks for a great 2006'. Totally sweet.

I had to go to work last week at 10pm on Thursday. My first 'uh, dude, this is *way* too big for me' project hit the pipes. It's been a monkey on my back, but I learned a shit-ton and have enjoyed working with a ton of different people. It sounds corny, but I really am stoked about all the experience points I gained. I might have gone up a level. Anyway, it was a big old pain in the ass 'front-end / back-end' switcheroo on one of the most important sections of the site that required a lot of coordination of the servers. Heavy stuff. There were a ton of people involved, so it was totally smooth. Totally sweet.
Valentine's day is tomorrow. Since I can't get time off to go down south, I'm surprised her with an early gift. I can't exactly disclose the gift, but the shit was shipped 2 day air FOR FREE from china, bitches. ha. I think she'll dig it. At least, I hope so.
Oh, one more totally rad thing, I have been doing some off-time organization hunting and I finally found one of the main guys involved with some of the exclusive recordings that get used with that one super-cool thing we do. Aesop Rock is the next release. I am pleading with him to let me assist in the process. That would be so totally hip. I want to be the creative genius behind the Ratatat exclusive. Drool.
I love you all. Things are truly swell on my end.
