My Business Card Pic
Im officially a Producer. Well enough of an official Producer to be not technically lying when I talk to chicks at Big Wangs. Although Im pretty sure it was more fun/more effective to lie about being a Producer. One thing about LA chicks is that they prefer to be lied to. Oh well...
Me teaching a skeezer how to dance.
So my friend Justin and I started pre-production on our Thesis film tentively entitled "Kinski". We are co-producing , co-writing, co-directing, and just about co-everything else. We started Pre-Production 2 days ago. I have to have the whole Budget laid out by friday. This while I edit the final cuts on 2 Mid-Terms, Post-Sound on 1 Mid-Term, Post-Sound on 2 outside projects, and go to classes. This is further complicated by the fact that the editting/Pro-tools bays arent always available when I dont have class as other classes use them sometimes.
Im trying to make this strange pic my IMDB profile pic
Outside of the film industry bubble, my russian friend Pavel called me with an interesting proposition the other day. To be honest, Im not quite sure what my role in this thing is, but he told me if it worked out, he would give me ten thousand dollars and "not have to worry about looking for a job ever again." Ever since Pavel moved to San Diego (about 3 years ago), he has done very well with his internet company and he now has over 300 employees. Whatever it is that he needs "my outragous personality and input" for, I know it is some sort of new kind of website. Anyway, my Spring Break is Feb. 24th and so we made plans to go to Mexico and discuss the details.
You can get LA kids to do anything if you tell them its the new hot thing. Or if you tell them that they have to leave the party if they dont do what you say.
So to add to my time management woes, the Nintendo Wii has been an unnecessary distraction. Fuck, man, Fuck. Bowling, man, Bowling.
So I have a Coachella ticket for all three days if someone wants to go with me. I lost all my peeps.
And I apologize, as I have said things of this sort a million times, but FUCK MAN ARE THERE ANY WOMEN ON THIS FUCKING PLANET THAT ARE NOT FUCKING CRAZY?

PS. I miss Portland, and Union Jacks.
Qotsa & John Garcia covering Kyuss
If you ever want any assistance, let me know... since I graduated school, I no longer have access to Avid and Final Cut pro, but hey, at least I still get to use Pro Tools.
And there are degrees of crazy in women out there. Some are less than others, but you will be hard pressed to find the slightly crazy. Especially ones that look good.