Every thing that has ever had a flicker of the beautiful, original, wonderous, truly stimulating, and the joyful (or pure good), has been squashed at every corner by basic human immaturity. We are a race of the lazy and the scared. We are afraid of truly feeling. Im just as guilty as everyone else of this of course. But if you look at the whole scheme of things - relationships, life, mankind, the planet, the universe - you've got to ask yourself a question. Is there anything left worth fighting for? I say no. I think anything that is pure has been destroyed by exploitation and nay-sayers. Our "history" is at a point of no return. What an ugly species we make. All thats left for me to do is to become desensitized to all of the fucked up people around me, and drink myself to death.
But abandoning all hope because of it is a bit melodramatic I think. I may not like the way things are heading, but I sure as shit value my relationship with you. I'd fight for it, even.
Not good enough.
I am now EMO forever.