I am a student at Los Angeles Film School. My class is made up of 87.99999% retards. If I hear one more person talk about BOONDOCK SAINTS as if it is a good movie Im gonna sodomize someone. You should not be in film school if you don't know who Stanley Kubrick is, and if on the first day you need the instructor to explain for ten minutes how to get the XL2's to record. An XL2 is a video camera which actually has three(3) red buttons placed strategically across the camera. As with consumer cameras, these red buttons record. I guess these people that needed that explained would tell me that I should at least know how to spell if I am going to write on my friend's blog page. Oh Well.
Anyways, Im Double Majoring in Editing and Sound Design. Ive managed to seround myself with the 10 or so people that have a slight clue what they are doing and a few that are way better than me. Let me clarify something: I SHOULD NOT BE AMONG THE MOST TALENTED OR KNOWLEDGABLE IN MY CLASS. I spent the last 5 years of my life getting wasted but unfortunately, its a fact: I am one of the "genius' " of the class. Sad. Im having a blast though. I go to school and every class we sit there and talk about movies and how they are made. I dont understand how everyone else in the class is always complaining and skipping classes. You would think this was high school and not something these people are spending 60 grand on. I graduate next August.
Can you believe Ive been with my woman for about two and a half years? I cant. It just seems like yesterday I would get drunk off Rothschild at LAZERBEAMS and write a hate-filled post about her. Ah those were the days. Remember all of the stupid shit I did? Internet public lady issues.
Aurelia is teaching english in S. Korea for the next year. She is driving me nuts, but I guess that is because Im a shitty thoughtless boyfriend. Im glad to get a break from the female energy for a while. Or as I call it STRESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSXXX.
Our adopted son Geoff is at her parents house. I kind of miss Geoff even if he was a fucker.
I live in Studio City, about 2 blocks away from the Universal Studios lot (Universal City as its called), with a gay couple. So far it has not been too shabby. I think I moved down here at the perfect time. Before I got here, I got to a point where Im kind of numb about everything, which definately helps me here. Wether it will help me in future relationships with people I meet, is unclear. But feeling numb to your feelings and insecurities is a nice little vacation that Im sure will end up costing a shitload in therapy bills to come back from. At least I dont get mad in rush hour traffic. Oh and I drank next to Spencer Moody at a place called the 3 of Clubs bar on the corner of Santa Monica and Vine. Sweeeeeeeeeet.
Sometimes its kind of tough not to have anyone from the Jumpfighters crew here to hang with. But the times have changed. As people get older, their priorities change, and the Jumpfighters are no different. One thing that has become apperant is that things will not ever be the same as it was pre-Portland, no matter how much we tell each other different. We are 23 or 24 and no one can have fun anymore. Everyone is tied up in work, relationships, etc. I need to stop living in the past. The funny thing is that I was thinking just that as I was sitting quietly at the 3 of Clubs bar, drinking my 6 dollar Whiskey and Coke. Then I heard someone walk up to Spencer Moody and ask him about what was happening with SMOKE AND SMOKE. It sounds like hes in the same boat as me.
I don't feel old, although I should start acting like it. I need to start looking presentable for the upcoming 10 year high school reunion.
ps. Burning Man sucks.
Geoff was a fucker, dude.