I forgot how amazing this movie is. The last time I saw it, I was about 13 and was blown away by the combination of imagery. Even after watching it today, I still don't know what it's about, but I understand my response to the content. The attention to the details within the setttings and the charcters are sublime, but still pretty vague. Without being a satire, it presents how fucked up a viewers expectations can be when simply watching a movie - what you want to see, or where you your simpathy is directed.
Rent this now. It may be more appropriate to actually watch it in VHS. My painting instructor managed to find a French copy of the DVD (I don't think you can get it in that format in the states). We got to see it on a theater style screen. Most everyone else in the class was confused and/or disgusted, we'll see when we "share our thoughts" in class on Tuesday. Our assignment is to compare our ideas of the film to a painting by
Francis Bacon, a guy who's paintings are nearly as terrifying as Robert Blake.