Got home tonight from picking Kaden up at Grandma Jan's. Were in the can in the driveway and he won't get out until Judith is over, now I don't know what disturbs me more, the fact that he is listening to the content of this song, or that he's listening to it and I feel the need to mute it when maynard says fuck. I guess since he does not understand what the song is about but rather likes the sound of it it's ok right, but why do the social implications of my 2 1/2 year repeating the work "fuck" concern me more then him listening to the lyrics of Judith. Maybe I'm subconsciously trying to balance all those times Matt has taken him to church. What do normal people do in a situation where two parents have completly opposite spiritual beliefs? Personal I would like Kaden to get a little older before being introduced to forms of religion or spirituality so that he can make decisions on his own, I just guess I don't want my son to be brainwashed or forced into beliefs that are not his own, but in all accuality how many of our beliefs are really truly our own?



Monday 31 January 2005 at 6:51 pm

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Monday 31 January 2005 at 6:51 pm


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