just because

Fuck. I finally got the 'staff' section up and running, it's really more of a 'cast and crew' -- czech it HERE. If you want your bio up there, drop me a line, somehow, someway.

I kept finding things to post about and decided to break it up because of length, but fuck, Mikey Bower DESERVES his own post. Big titty girl too.

(as a person who, as a reckless teen, once sucked the nitrous out of whipped-cream cans, i found this to be quite funny.)

Things have been pretty fucking busy on my end, that's why it's taken me nearly a week to assemble the staff section. Lots of things done, lots of things still to do. But the end is near, I can almost taste it. And it tastes good. A bit gamey, but good. Like elk.

The first half of my CS450 class (graphics) was pretty fucking hard. A lot of pretty intense coding with c++, definitely not one of my stronger suits. The second half, however, dealt with 3D modeling and animation. Our final assignment was to create a short 3D animation. I figured out the basic premise of what I wanted to do and began working to model a cassette tape in Maya. Having never used any sort of 3D program before, I was totally overwhelmed. Seriously, 3D graphics programs have to be the most complicated things ever.

Long story short, I eventually finished my animation. This past Wednesday, we watched all of them on a big projection screen with some decent sound. Now, I had put a big chunk of time making my animation as polished as I could with my limited skills. I thought that I'd see some amazing animations from the other "alpha-nerd" students, but I was wrong -- the majority of them were shit. They made mine look fairly incredible by contrast.

It's a big file (~17 megs), but you can see the animation here.

But yeah, dead week is basically over, I only have finals to look forward to, then a month of nothingness. I know I'll end up being bored 15 minutes into the break, but at this point, even boredom looks like a vacation.

It's late and I've been tying at warp-speed for the last hour. My fingers hurt. I love you all.



Friday 02 December 2005 at 01:28 am

Five comments

you've inspired me to be a casette tape when i grow up.
Friday 02 December 2005 at 01:28 am
Yeah, I 've seen fight club too! Nice work man, that IS pretty intense. I can't wait to dust off my old tapes and appreciate their shear aesthetic wonder, you're an inspiration.
Friday 02 December 2005 at 01:28 am
yet another reason why eric kicks ass....
Friday 02 December 2005 at 01:28 am
Holy hot damn thats an epic mixtape.
Friday 02 December 2005 at 01:28 am
im pretty sure you put scratch marks on the actual tape... nice touch.
Friday 02 December 2005 at 01:28 am


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