I dont watch Tv that often, but when I do, it tends to0 be at about 2 - 4 am. Durimg these hours the A&E channel plays 2 shows that I can never resist.

Dog - The Bounty Hunter
Criss Angel: Mindfreak

The people that make up these two "Reality" shows are absolutely unbelievable. Criss Angel is what Tooth wishes he was. Dog is also what Tooth wishes he was. It's like watching the Broken dreams of Jesse (Tooth). Criss Angel is a "Hardcore" magician, and Dog is a "Hardcore" bounty hunter. But they are both "Hardcore" in the 80's way. That is really the best I can describe the shows. You should just check them out for yourselves. They are absolutely dudical in every sense of the word. Oh yeah, and the themme song of MindFreak consists of the magician screaming "MINDFREAK!!!!!!!!!!" over and over again. In the end credits of the show, it shows this song being recorded and who iis behind all the nobs and things? Jonathan Davis from Korn. Glad to see hes staying busy nowadays. Recording shitty theme songs for shitty shows about magicians. Dog The Bounty hunter is fuckin badass though.

My o My


Thursday 21 July 2005 at 5:18 pm

Two comments

yea dog, i wish had a show called pizza ninja about how i had broken dreams of being jesse, with broken dreams of being these two dudes.
jon r
Thursday 21 July 2005 at 5:18 pm
What the hell, MindFreak is Kick Ass, I have seen him in person and dam he is good. I'm a fan of Criss Angel's. I think David B. sucks.
Thursday 21 July 2005 at 5:18 pm


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