I have had a wierd day...

I did absolutely nothing. Never left my house. Stayed inside worked on some things.

I watched an old british serial killer movie called "Peeping Tom". Cheezy as shit but it gives you that uncomfertable feeling that serial killer movies give you.

Ithen started watching A&E and there was a show on called "THE BTK KILLER SPEAKS". I watched the whole hour of it. I cannot fathom what that point of view must be like. After watching it I decided that the only two movies I can think of that actually get it right are MAN BITES DOG and HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER. the thing that those movies do right is the realism. There is not so much style hitting you in the face detaching you from what you are seeing. The other two things those movies seem to do right is that they present their killers as (on the outside) normal people with something that they hide from people. Anyhow, if I missed a movie that you think deserves to stand with those feel free to post it.

Now Im off to get this icky feeling out of my bones....... I want to see something where someone slips on a banana peel and wins a birthday cake....

And the Winner is.........


Monday 18 July 2005 at 9:28 pm

Three comments

Monday 18 July 2005 at 9:28 pm
Clean sheets and Life cereal! There's a tested remedy. And Eric, you awkward bastard, that does not deserve cake. Not on my watch.
sarah c.
Monday 18 July 2005 at 9:28 pm
yea, realism. there is way too much fake going on. i can not take it. but at the same time people try to tell me it is fuunny. movies is a specific point. they are fake, except for a good few. .
jon r
Monday 18 July 2005 at 9:28 pm


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