so... back from ecuador, which led immediately to two weeks in the asshole of idaho (my loving nickname for the God-forsaken desert outside of boise) and now i'm back in oregon. i think for more than two weeks at a time, too. that's exciting. we pulled into the armory parking lot yesterday afternoon and unloaded our five-ton, i grabbed my shit, pulled my car around, threw all my dirty green/brown/black stuff into the car and got out of there as fast as i could. only to get halfway home, and realize that i don't know where i live now, because my roommates moved while i was gone. so, i had to call and get directions and whatnot, and let me just say that oh my god, my new apartment is so cute. i love it. high ceilings, huge kitchen, NO PISSING CAT... we're out in orenco station now. yes, perhaps a bit posh, but so so nice. i love it. now i just have to move my stuff up here, and i might be unpacked and settled for awhile... what a fun thought!

we're still officially on active duty orders until tomorrow at like 1700h, so i have to go back in to do one more full day of work for uncle sam. then right after i jump into my car and drive down to the valley. the boy is there right now, but only until sunday afternoon, when he flies out, so depending on how fast i drive, i might get a whole 12 hours with him... let's hope there aren't many cops out tomorrow. i'm so so glad i'm gonna get to spend some time with him, but so so frustrated that it's such a short time. we have the worst luck when it comes to geographical location. por ejemplo, i left for idaho on the 11th and am done the 25th... he's been in the valley since the 14th and leaves the 26th. does someone up there hate me? did i do something terribly wrong? because for whatever reason, we can never manage to be in the same place for very long. it makes it very difficult to get any sort of relationship going under circumstances such as these....

alright, i'm gonna go shower and get out of this damn uniform. i do not enjoy wearing green/brown/black all the time. color, people, why can't we have some color in the army? oh well. i'll live.


brand spanikin' new


Friday 24 June 2005 at 5:15 pm

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