Yes my dog is the love of my life. It may seem funny but i am not laughing, my face is totally serious. Some bad shit went down on thursday. I was filled with a lot of worry and unacceptance. But now i feel good. Scooter got a foxtail in her nose. She was bleeding and it was stuck bad. Slowly I began to realize that this was serious. I told my mom that i would not take her to the vet, and before i had realized how serious it was. My mind began to contemplait having to have her put down if it just stayed in there--for a foxtail! Even now i will not get any kind of surgery to remove it though. I fell strongly that I must let nature take it's course, even if it is in an unnatural world such as ours.
I talked to the vet and he said that there were a few possibilites. 1. it could get infected and she would need antibiotics. OK. 2. She could swollow it and shit it out. Good. And 3. it could make it's way into her brain and she would get very sick and die. OK.
I was very relieve to hear of these possibilities. Why? because they are clean cut. I will know if she is fucked or not, and she wont be asked to live on for months in pain that i have decided to allow happen.

So i hope she swallows the fucking thing. and if she needs antibiotics that is ok. and if the third thing happens, well that will be ok too. It will be really hard for me though. Scooter is 16 years old and i have had her as my dog since she was 6 weeks old, from the pound. We have been through a lot. I feel that she still has some life left to live.
Thank You

the love of my life--scooter


Saturday 25 September 2004 at 7:57 pm

Four comments

P.S. due to the tradgy in your life Eli and Sarah i thought of not posting this. But it is a part of my life, dominant right now, so i had to. I feel your loss, and am sorry for it.
Jon R
Saturday 25 September 2004 at 7:57 pm
we will morne together, i'm glad to share this with you.
Saturday 25 September 2004 at 7:57 pm
jon R - i will send all the positive energy i create towards you and scooty. good luck!
Saturday 25 September 2004 at 7:57 pm
Poor scooty-Ive known that dog for a number of years and YOU too jon-this sucks bad style dude-oh yeah my mommy told me you and scooty came by the other day-I was wurkin-uh give me a call dude we can play TMNT on the playstation Part 2-
Saturday 25 September 2004 at 7:57 pm


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