i started work today. i hate the mall, but this time around, it's different. the clarity that comes from losing it all is quite refreshing. i honestly don't care anymore. it's a shitty job, but i play the music i want and ask people the same question all day:

"do you need help?"

i'm so haunted. i'm haunted by all of her words. "i never want anything else," "i love you," and "you're my best friend" come to mind.

if there was ANY validity to her words, HOW can she just throw her best friend away? weak.

sad part, if she was to call me up right now, i'd go and see her. i don't even care. i've been hurt, i'm damaged, but who cares? i've seen it and i'd be broken a thousand times over just to see it again.

the word "pathetic" comes to mind.

i don't care though.

you only live once.

love to all.



Monday 15 December 2003 at 11:03 pm

Three comments

oh boy. here's the deal. Insert your weener into her vaginer, the scoot back then scoot forward (repeat). if she is having a good time you will know by the heavy breathing and random yelps (I get "ayieoh" alot). to finish her off, a gentleman will always pull out and aim for the belly button, then quickly but not too fast hand her a CLEAN towel and confess how much her vaginer smells of potpouri and grandmas cider.
Monday 15 December 2003 at 11:03 pm
despite this post being over a year old, I'd like to cordially thank Eli for posting a comment on it. You truly are a king among men, Mr. Eli.
Monday 15 December 2003 at 11:03 pm
its actually over TWO years old
Monday 15 December 2003 at 11:03 pm


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