The setup: November 28th, I am approached by a senior manager. She wants to know if I'd be down to fly to San Francisco for 5 days of training. The catch: I'd be leaving in 4 days. Even though it's spur of the moment, I jump at the opportunity, since the entire affair is on the company's dime *and* I'm a sucker for knowledge, especially if it's work-related.

A room with a view (of some fine Frank Lloyd Wright design)

So, I wrap up some last-minute work, hand off some stuff on my to-do list to coworkers and hop on a plane. Ms. Kim was kind enough to drive me to the airport in a fucking typhoon. She's so fucking wonderful.

Anyway, on the way to the airport, my throat kind of starts to hurt. I pass it off as being parched as I worked my way through security. Even though I was totally clean, it still makes me nervous -- muscle memories from being a young punk, I suppose. Plus, fuck the police. Right?

I board the plane and get my ass down to San Francisco. I land, get my bags and take a $50 taxi to the hotel. As I get dropped of, I realize that this hotel is fancy. Really fancy. Fancy as fuck. So fancy, in fact, that I felt like the people behind the counter probably thought I won some sort of contest.

The most glorious hotel bathroom ever / cliche myspace shot

Anyway, by this point, my throat is on fire and I'm hungry. I haven't been to San Francisco since I was about 14 and sadly, I didn't pay much attention to details back then. I find some food and a drugstore. At this point, I'm totally sick. I feel like shit. I drop $30 on all the cold remedies that I conveniently didn't bring with me. I walk, shivering, back to my room. I fall asleep in the most comfortable bed I've ever been in. Glorious.

Thanks for the reminder, dick.

The rest of the week is filled with highlights of good food and training, all while severely doped up cough syrup. I even got to meet up with one of my old CS buddies who works down there now. It was a fucking blur of a trip.

Open-shutter takeoff.

During the flight back, I felt like my head was going to pop. Sinus pressure to the max. I still haven't totally recovered. Weird.

Beyond that, life is good, albeit going by really quick. Work was insane this week and I'm still trying to wrap up all of my christmas shopping / gifting.

Not much more to say. I love you all.


Strictly business.


Thursday 13 December 2007 at 8:21 pm

Three comments

i did the san fran thing for work once. it's almost my favorite city. i stayed in chinatown and gorged on authentic food. fantastic.
Thursday 13 December 2007 at 8:21 pm
I had a dream last night staring you, Chessi. You were in my apartment with this skeevy stoner kid that used to live on my floor when I was an RA. You guys were inspecting my place and going through my drawers and stuff. You told me I needed to scrub my shower. Strange.
Thursday 13 December 2007 at 8:21 pm
I had the same dream.
Thursday 13 December 2007 at 8:21 pm


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