The move is done. The unpacking is much closer to done that it was before; now I'm just waiting on a few essential items (counter-space extension, table, etc).

As I feared, my studio is smaller than I remember it being when I first looked at it. Michael (the building super) gave me the keys a few days early, so even though I didn't have anything to actually move in, I stopped by with some pizza and beer and decided to get a feel for my new place. I sat on my (only) windowsill next to my (only) window, listened to my ipod (synced just right for that perfect movie moment) and ate my pizza and drank my beer while watching the people below and the max cruise past. Seriously, it was a perfect movie moment.

First weekend of March my dad came up and helped me move all my stuff. The more stuff I moved in, the smaller my space got. But I've gotten everything situated just how I want it, and I'm actually quite comfortable. Now, understand, when I say it's "small," what I really mean is "itty-bitty." I mean s-m-a-l-l. Think back to the dorms. Everything is right here in a 300 sq ft space. BUT, it's MY 300 sq ft. I actually like it. This move forced me to actually get rid of a lot of unnecessary stuff, something I've been needing to do for a long long time. Cleaned out the desk, cleaned out the closet, cleaned out the shoes.... Literally, spring cleaning.

Finally broke down tonight and got my internet set up. I was going to see how long I could last just going to the tea shop and coffee houses and using their free net, but that got old pretty fast. So, another $30 a month that I'll be paying out. (This move is also teaching me to budget, and eliminate unnecessary spending (says the girl who just got back from Urban Fondue)). Last night I did my first load of laundry. Had to haul it down to the basement (I'm on the fourth and top floor) and remember my detergent, fabric softener, QUARTERS.... like I said, it's like being back in the dorms.

I've met a few people in passing, and so far everyone seems very friendly. It's like being the new kid at a small school; everyone I have encountered so far knows that I am the "new kid" if you will.... They know how long ago I moved in... It's creepy and comforting all at the same time....

So far my cat and I are settling nicely into our new routine. Yes, that's right, I couldn't just quit roommates cold turkey; I had to bring my cat up here from the parents' house to keep me company. It's nice to have him waiting by the door for me when I get home at the end of the day.

For now, I'm going to fold my couch out into my bed (futons are so functional in a small space!), read for a bit, then head to bed. The only downside to this move is that it didn't knock any time off the morning commute.

So so much love.


settling in


Tuesday 13 March 2007 at 10:45 pm

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