1. Go to imdb.com
2. Go to the EYES WIDE SHUT page
3. Go to the message boards
4. Read all the ideas of what that movie is about

This will make you:
1. Laugh
2. Cry
3. Be glad you have a job so that you don't sit around your parents garage all day picking apart Eyes Wide Shut

Apperantly, PICKING APART means:
1. Measuring how tall everyone in the orgy scene is to try to figure out who was the red cloak guy
2. Making sure all of the girls in the orgy scene had perfectly round ariolas, because that has something to do with the theme of the movie
3. Figuring out if there are "continuity errors" or if its just for "dream effect"
4. Theorizing about what might of happened to Tom Cruises character had he made the cloak people REALLY mad
5. Figuring out how each and every detail aplies to Tom Cruises' character's soul

There is other awesome nerd and dork stuff, too. Just give it a try sometime. It will make you smile. There is one guy that pisses everyone off on that board because all he does is rant about how the Matrix trilogy is the modern day Citizen Kane. I love nerds. Some other awesome things for boredom:

This site will make your jaw fall off from having it hang open for so lang-


Jesus Day!!!

Something to do if you are bored.


Friday 04 February 2005 at 12:43 pm

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